IFERP Newsletter

About Electromobility and Autonomous Driving

As part of its effort to enlighten participants on essential know-how and intelligence concerning electromobility and autonomous driving technology, the IFERP-appointed organizing committee in charge of conducting its highly anticipated forthcoming conference on Electromobility and Autonomous Driving, has decided that all topics-of-discussion for this conference will revolve around the theme of 'Unravelling The Tremendous Promise Of Electromobity & Autonomous Driving Technologies In Solving All Present & Future Challenges Plaguing Modern-Day Transport & Other Environmental Implications'

In its bid to illuminate participants on why current transport technology that is vastly dependant on fossil fuels as the source of energy, is harming the environment in numerous ways, and how human error causes the loss of millions of lives as a result of road accidents, IFERP will center all its sessions and its list of experts speakers around the proposed theme. As a result of doing so, IFERP hopes to spread awareness of the fact that radical changes will have to take place in the transport industry, to ensure that millions of lives are saved in the future. The manufacturing of cars equipped armed with robots as part of self-driving technology is expected to reach a whopping 800,000 units globally by the year 2030. The industry is currently in need of people with relevant expertise in these areas to meet their production targets. This means that anybody possessing knowledge in electromobility and autonomous driving technology is guaranteed to enjoy a high-paying career if they play their cards right. This conference is the best event for people wishing to enjoy successful careers in these fields.